Monthly Archives: June 2014

Recently, I’ve been making a concerted effort to drink more water during the day and I’m realizing that I’ve been dehydrated for a long time. The past couple of days I have felt more energetic and healthy by merely taking...
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If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, I’m sure you know by now that I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that we serve a loving God who cares about us deeply. My hope...
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A year and a half ago I was approached by an amazing woman who had it on her heart to produce a spoken word album. She had seen me perform at the church and felt like I was the right...
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Obviously my prayers change from day to day, but there is a consistent theme every time I pray. When I approach God, I know that I’m in the presence of someone who is so much greater than I understand. I...
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As I reflect on my journey as a Christian, I see a thread that has connected a lot of the different blessings that I’ve been privileged to experience. Anytime God works in our lives, the credit obviously goes to him....
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I don’t know about you guys but I love to be prepared. I’m not a big fan of winging it. When it comes to competition, I’m a big believer that the game is won way before you show up to...
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The further I go in leadership, the more I realize the importance of culture. What adjectives would you use to describe the culture at your place of business? Energetic? Creative? Lazy? Apathetic? Focused? Exciting? Fun? Authentic? There are lots more...
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