Monthly Archives: September 2014

Yesterday I got to deliver a spoken word at Seacoast’s Mount Pleasant Campus and I had a blast. The poem that I shared is one that I wrote around 6 years ago, but it still has a ton of relevance...
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In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus told some of the religious leaders of his day what the 2 most important commands are….love God and love people. You can read his actually words by following the link above, but that’s the basic idea. I...
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So this morning I was doing my normal Bible reading and I came across this passage…. Romans 12:9-18 says, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor...
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It’s so simple. We do it all day, every day. We don’t even think about it. And yet behind the simple practice of breathing, a great principle can be found. In the same way that the air we need to...
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It feels like everywhere I look recently, another marriage is struggling to survive. The issues are varied and far reaching. Spouses that once felt so much in love are now questioning whether or not it’s worth the fight. Others have...
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I don’t know about you guys, but I have had to struggle through a very anemic view of God. Seeing Jesus constantly depicted in stained glass windows and cheesy looking pictures can have some negative effects. One thing that has...
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So I recently went through a book by Seth Godin called, The Dip. I loved it! The basic concept is that there is a dip that all of us have to go through when we pursue goals that are worth...
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