
Room to Breathe

What do you really believe?

In Room to Breathe, Chris Russo candidly confronts commonly held distorted beliefs to guide all of us to experience more victory in our lives. Walking openly through different facets of his own journey, he helps readers identify places in the past where false messages may have taken root.

Room to Breathe is about standing up to the crushing lies of this world and combating them with the truth of God’s word. Reading this book will help you take an honest look at your own beliefs and
discover a refreshing sense of freedom that is water to thirsty soul.


Do you ever wonder if God really exists and if you are worthy of his love?

God’s plan includes everyone who seeks him. We can find his fingerprints in the lives of ordinary people and in the heart of ordinary circumstances. In his second book, Tracing the Hand of God, author and pastor Chris Russo explores how we can find God in everyday life. By examining the five “fingerprints” of God, Russo helps us discover the value of opening our minds and hearts in faith. The more we surrender, the more we’ll see God use us in his plan—and this is where the real adventure of life begins.

Tracing the Hand of God shows us how even in the darkest of times, God will use our unique talents, giftings, relationships and stories in ways we’ve never dreamed possible and always deliver us through struggles with resiliency and grace.


Where do you see yourself in twenty years?
How will you get there?

How you answer those questions can mean the difference between attaining a desire you long for or looking back on a faded dream. Pursuing vision in your life with focus and intentionality can change the trajectory of your life, bringing your hopes into reach.

In Vision, Chris Russo shares life experiences and a perspective of faith that will help you discover the future you out deeply desire. He uses clear direction and manageable steps to guide you toward the higher purpose you were created to fulfill. Walking this road is not easy or for the faint of heart, but the future you hope for is available if you are willing to take the journey.

About the Author

Since becoming a follower of Christ at the age of 18, Chris Russo has been leading, teaching and inspiring people with what he calls a consistent and growing passion for God’s Word. As the pastor of Seacoast Church West Ashley Campus in Charleston, South Carolina, he is also committed to sharing truth with others, while keeping it short and sweet, through spoken word poetry and a social media series called “Daily 1-Minute Messages.” Chris resides in Charleston with his wife Abbi and their three sons Isaac, Jonathan and Samuel.