Posts filed under: Family

Yesterday I got to deliver a spoken word at Seacoast’s Mount Pleasant Campus and I had a blast. The poem that I shared is one that I wrote around 6 years ago, but it still has a ton of relevance...
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So this morning I was doing my normal Bible reading and I came across this passage…. Romans 12:9-18 says, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor...
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It feels like everywhere I look recently, another marriage is struggling to survive. The issues are varied and far reaching. Spouses that once felt so much in love are now questioning whether or not it’s worth the fight. Others have...
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So I recently went through a book by Seth Godin called, The Dip. I loved it! The basic concept is that there is a dip that all of us have to go through when we pursue goals that are worth...
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Anytime I get to have an experience with heights, a blog post will come out of it. I’m still not terribly fond of heights so they help me to pursue Jesus with more vigor! The other day my brother-in-law, Nate...
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Proverbs 10:27 says… The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. Are there righteous people who have died young? Of course. Are there wicked people who have lived long lives? Absolutely. So what...
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I’m 31 years old and I would say that one of the most difficult questions to answer as I mature deals with what I ultimately want to accomplish in life. It’s easy to say that I want to be successful...
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Because I have the gift of communication and generally enjoy speaking, being silent is a discipline for me. Proverbs 10:19 says… Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. Why do the prudent hold their tongues?...
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Have you ever met someone who always seemed like they were up to something? The reality is that it is human nature to hide. So much of life for so many people is lived like a poker game. You never...
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Life in general does not usually feel like a huge deal. Today is just a Monday. The weekend is just the weekend. 2014 is just another year. The decisions that we have to make today may be somewhat important but...
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