Monthly Archives: October 2012

I think anyone who knows me well would say that I’ve always been a pretty deep and intense guy. I don’t know why exactly but there has always been some part of me that I can’t shut off that has...
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This list may be more for me than it is for anyone else but I figure it’s important to never stop learning and trying to grow. Here are 10 things that I’ve learned in my first 30 years (in no...
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Have you ever tried to build something and felt like the stars were crossed against you? I’m being a little dramatic for the sake of affect but maybe you’ve felt that way. It could be something as small as a...
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If you have never seen the movie The Guardian with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher, it’s definitely worth seeing. It is a movie about Coast Guard rescue swimmers and the heroic measures that they take to save those who are...
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I read a book not too long ago called Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer that I would recommend to anybody who has ever wrestled with the idea of purpose and overall calling in life. One of the key...
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I don’t know if any of you can relate to this but ever since I was little I have always wanted to be the star of the show. I remember the first time I was the star of a show....
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I don’t know how you are when it comes to this but when I’m in the zone, it’s pretty tough to break my concentration. I’m one of those people who could totally tune you out while you’re talking to me...
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I know I’m going super old school on this one but I would still imagine that many of us have seen the 1st Matrix movie. Without going into too much detail…there comes a moment when Morpheus gives Neo the decision...
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Sometimes as a pastor I feel the temptation to try to present myself as the finished product. My wife would obviously never fall for it, but I could try to fool everybody else. (-; The reality however, is that I...
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