One Minute Message

What is your message today?

What’s on your mind today?  Is it about work?  Is it about your friendship?  Is it about pain?

Both I and the many people who follow One Minute Message would love to hear what is your message today.  This isn’t restricted to faith-based topics.  We want to and need to hear from one another.

Your message may speak to one person, your message may reach thousands.  If you have something on your heart, let it be heard.

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Remember, your message doesn’t have to be a faith-based message.  And you don’t have to be a Christian.  I will of course keep some videos private if the content is not family-friendly.

Robert, Greg, Chris, and others have shared what was on their mind, what’s on their heart.  Please take 1 minute to pull out your cell phone, record your message, and share it.  You never know who might need to hear you.